Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 9 Reflection

This week we went more in depth with force diagrams.  The force diagrams were more in depth because there were slopes with either friction or no friction acting on the object.  We also had to show where the forces were acting on the object such as a slope diagonally pushing on an object instead of just straight up and down like with the force of a table.  I also know what a force pair is now.  They are forces that, when usually pulling on each other, will have the same amount of force pulling on each other. 

To demonstrate how force pairs work, we took two pulley systems and hooked them together.  Both of these mechanisms measured how much force was pulling on them.  We had two people pull on them and we looked at the measurements.  They both read the same amount no matter who pulled harder or if you were walking or whatever.  The forces were the same no matter what.  No person could really "pull harder" anyways since the person who was not pulling as hard has to use more force to stop the springs from getting yanked from their hands.

This week we had an assesment on Wednesday and it involved more complicated force diagrams.  We had to label every force that was acting on an object.  Those forces include the push of the table/slope, earth, and it's momentum either with or without friction.  We had to make sure to see if they were balanced forces by phrases like "at a constant speed" or something like that. 

The biggest concern that I have is about the force diagrams.  I still don't know how to label the forces if friction is involved.  Other than that I think I have a good understanding of what the material that were learning in class is about. 

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