Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 14 Reflection

This week we did alot with graphing the position, velocity and acceleration of objects.  We used motion maps, velocity vs time graphs and acceleration graphs.  To demonstrate how to make a motion map, we did an activity with a bowling ball that made us see the motion of the ball every second.

I learned that if a velocity time graph has a straight line than the acceleration graph will have a curved line.  This is because the object needs to keep getting faster and faster to match what the velocity time graph is saying.  We also learned about acceleration arrows and if you can add or subtract acceleration from the arrows to show the difference in its velocity.

We did an activity with a bowling ball to show how to graph in object using a motion map.  We had one person roll the bowling ball down the hall and another person point to someone to step out every second that it passed them.  Then, we went back to the classroom and made a motion map of it.  We saw that the dots (representing people) were closer together when the ball slowed down and farther apart when the ball was traveling faster. 

I think that I get all the stuff that was taught this week.  The assesment got alot easier when I realized that I had the equations at the top of the paper.  All you had to do was fill in the variables with the right number and you could do the equation right.

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